My Husband Said His Ex Was Better Than Me. I Decided To Give Him A Reality Check


Joana from Baltimore, Maryland here. I’ve reached my breaking point, and I’m ready to share my story. My husband Gavin has pushed me to my limit with his incessant comparisons to his friends’ wives. It’s infuriating, and I’m done staying silent.

The Comparisons Begin
For years, Gavin has been comparing me to his friends’ wives. It started innocently enough, with him mentioning how well Dylan’s wife cooked or how clean Alfred’s house was. But it quickly escalated into something far more toxic.

He would tell me how beautiful Jerry’s wife was, the best-looking “old woman” he’d ever seen. Who even talks about their friend’s wife like that? I wouldn’t call that man a friend. But Gavin’s most hurtful comment came recently when he said his ex-wife had a better figure than I do. That was the final straw.

The Final Insult
I’ve put up with Gavin’s behavior for too long. I’m 63 years old, a mother of three wonderful children who are all married and thriving. I’ve done my part, raising our children, keeping our home, and standing by Gavin. While my friends are enjoying their golden years, relaxing by the beach in their summer homes, I’m stuck cleaning and caring for a man who has the audacity to compare me unfavorably to every woman he encounters.

For illustration purpose only
Gavin’s constant criticism has worn me down, but it was his comment about his ex-wife that pushed me over the edge. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to say that to my face. I felt a mix of anger and hurt like never before. This wasn’t just about the comparison; it was about respect, or rather, the lack of it. I realized then that I needed to teach him a lesson, a lesson he would never forget.

A New Approach
The very next day, I decided to make some changes. I stopped cooking and cleaning for him. If Gavin thought I wasn’t good enough, then he could fend for himself. I started ordering takeout, but only for myself. I made sure to leave the dishes for him to clean. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he noticed.

This experience taught me that sometimes, we need to take a stand to be truly seen and appreciated. It wasn’t just about teaching Gavin a lesson; it was about reclaiming my self-worth and showing that I deserved better. And now, I can say with confidence that I won’t tolerate being compared to anyone ever again.

By Team

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